Honey Benne

 With all its restoration and healing properties, this cream is extremely moisturizing with a mild sweet scent and floral back notes.

Honey Benne Body Butter with Honeycomb ©copyrights 2020 mkb

Honey Benne Body Butter with our Logo ©copyrights 2020 mkb

Mkb Sweet Revival Blend: This sweet-smelling Essential oil blend is designed to motivate your mood positively; reduce negative thoughts, stress; calming effect.
(**Our creams are mildly scented for safety reasons**)
**We create our own scents using a c0mbination of essential oils to increase their benefits**

Honey, Sesame oil (Benne, also known as ‘Queen of seed oils’), and others help your skin from breakouts, may help reduce skin inflammations gradually, provide antioxidants topically that are important to restore skin cells from being damaged by sun exposure, help with collagen production, soothe skin.

Sesame oil - Sesame is good for dry-sensitive skin and has healing properties, high in Zinc which aids the skin from sun damage and might help the skin from eczema...
(#Antioxidant (Vitamin A & E) #Anti-inflammatory #Anti-bacterial #Zinc)

Honey- also called ‘liquid gold’ had been used for centuries to treat various illnesses, wounds, scars. Our Honey is locally sourced and Beeswax has not been chemically processed.

The butters are used to expand the benefit spectrum and to extremely moisturize the skin for longer periods.
Pomegranate seed oil, Red Raspberry seed oil are used to give this cream some natural protection from UV rays and to nourish the skin.

For more info on Sesame oil: https://mykiwibutter.blogspot.com/2020/09/sesame-oil.html

To shop:  https://chooice.co.nz/store/my-kiwi-butter/

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Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/My-kiwi-butter-110974310675261/


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 (*ALL the images and information are subjected to copyrights.) 


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