Essential oil Blends

 Essential Oil Blending

We use essential oils that people love the most and blend to make them more beneficial for your skin and mental health.

The aromatic and other topical benefits of the blend increases than when used individually.

We test with many essential oils to create a blend that smells heavenly and at the same time
have physical, mental & emotional benefits improved.

FACT: Essential oils don’t have fatty acids, which means they are not oils.


my kiwi butter EO blend Experiments ©copyrights 2020 mkb

Our Blends:

SWEET REVIVAL BLEND (HONEY BENNE): This sweet-smelling Essential oil blend is designed to motivate your mood positively; reduce negative thoughts, stress; calming effect.


MINT PLANIFOLIA Blend (NEEM MATCHA) - This blend smells sweet minty with herbaceous back notes and fading woody scent. This makes you feel energized, reduces the feeling of fatigue, stress, and may clear the respiratory tract.

FLORAL ROSE BLEND (ROSE SANDALWOOD)- The intoxicating smell of roses with lavender make almost anyone, fall in love with this blend. This might make you feel positive, stress-free, and relax.

(**Our creams are mildly scented for safety reasons**)

Few of Our Favourite Essential oils

When I think about all the ingredients we use, it just amuses me. How lucky we are to be gifted with all of this!

*Thank you, Nature, for being so helpful in providing us all we need to lead a better and healthy life, and to all those who harvest and make them available to us. *


Rosa Damascena Essential oil:

Having grown around these Roses, I’ve used these in my regular skin-care routine for smooth and evenly toned skin.

This sweet-smelling floral essential oil has benefits that encourage romantic and mood-enhancing feelings. This oil also helps the skin have a healthy cell growth.


Vanilla Essential oil:

One of the most expensive and precious flavor. The luxurious scent of vanilla has many benefits.

 Helps your skin revive as it has antioxidants besides its mental benefits.

Lavendin Essential oil:

Lavender also known as ‘Father of aromatherapy’.

More stimulating than normal Lavender Essential oil, Lavendin helps you relax, relieve headaches, ease muscle and joint pains. Might help skin from rash and other dry skin conditions.


Rosemary Essential oil:

The essential oil with powerful stimulating qualities that helps you both mentally & physically. The scent even helps you feel attentive and concentrate on your work.


Ylang-Ylang Essential oil:

These are one of my favorite flowers after Damask Rose.

Nature of the scent is Floral, sensual, exotic, Sweet, stimulating… All the characteristics essential for mental well-being. For skin, it helps as a cleanser, stimulates sebum production, and in cell regeneration.

Tea tree Essential oil:

Known for its Anti-microbial qualities, this Essential oil also helps in relieving respiratory congestion, heal burns, wounds, acne and treat dry, itchy and dandruff-y scalp by preventing overgrowth of yeast.


Cold-pressed Lemon Essential oil:

The smell of lemon would make anyone feel refreshed and have the mind clarified, reduce feelings of fatigue and uplifting. Because it is rich in Vitamin C(Antioxidant), helps your skin produce collagen, immunity, repair skin tissues.


Peppermint Essential oil:

Peppermint helps clear chest & nasal congestion, reduce irritation, itchiness and have a cooling effect.

For the mind, the scent makes you feel refreshed, concentrate, think clear in stressful situations, and relieve travel sickness.


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 (*ALL the images and information are subjected to copyrights.) 


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